Art Direction, Design and over 200 Illustrations by Option-G
Written by Nikki Ganong
Published by Overcup Press
Finally, there's a book that makes sense of America's confusing alcohol laws. What's true for one state is rarely true for its neighbor. The Field Guide to Drinking in America
mixes together a survey of each state's history with alcohol along with the current laws of the land, expertly blending it with the right amount of humor and sass
to make it go down easy.
Organized in a state-by-state regional format, The Field Guide to Drinking in America keeps thirsty travelers informed when they cross a state line and armchair travelers
entertained as they consider the complexity and variety of state laws enacted since the repeal of Prohibition.
• Find out when bars make last call.
• Know how packaged liquor, beer and wine are sold in all 50 states and Washington, D.C.
• Plan ahead for the Sunday "blue laws" that can throw off your tailgate party.
• Use easy to follow icons to identify control states, growler refill laws, corkage/re-corkage rules, and more.
• Get tips from local bartenders, brewers and distillers about drinking in each state.